segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011

Commercial Tobacco

Commercial Tobacco

  • Very high risk of cancer if you use chew, snuff, or smoke cigarettes.
  • Gives you an unpleasant odor and bad breath.
  • Chewing leads to gum disease, tooth decay and cancer of the mouth and throat.
  • Commercial tobacco contains harmful chemicals such as arsenic (poison), acetone (nail polish remover), methanol (anti-freeze), nicotine (insecticide), ammonia (window cleaner), carbon monoxide (car exhaust), cyanide (rat poison), dimethyl benzyl (toilet bowl cleaner), formaldehyde (preserves dead tissue).
  • When used daily it is easy to forget its harmful effects.
  • It is highly addictive.
  • Cigarettes discolor your teeth, cause lung cancer and heart disease.
  • Smoking can permanently damage your eyes, throat, bones, joints and skin-even if you later quit.
  • Source:

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